Friday, November 25, 2011

10 (Not) on Thursday

And because I missed it yesterday, here is my belated list for the day!

10 Things You Wish You Knew How to Do

1. Change the oil in my car. Think of all the money I would save! But alas, I can't even change a tire. Maybe I shouldn't admit that?

2. Speak 5 languages. Hey, Queen Elizabeth I could. And Rosetta Stone hadn't even been invented in her day. So far, I'm up to: English, French, the Spanish level of a 2-year-old, and a random smattering of words in other languages including Italian, Russian and Portuguese.

3. Get my daughter to be polite all the time, and never eat too many sweets. (Did I say this was a realistic list?)

4. Make cannolis. I have a cannoli mold now, since my birthday. I'm halfway there!

5. Fly a plane. Someday, I will! Probably the most expensive thing on this list though.

6. Play the piano very well. Practice would help with this, I'm sure.

7. Sew. Again, would be so cost-effective. Or at least make me feel like we, as a society, aren't losing all of our skills as we give all of the knowledge and power over to companies who do everything for us.

8. Create an iPhone app game. I have a good idea for one. Or at least one I would like to play.

9. Fix broken computers and appliances. See #1 and #7.

10. Motivate myself to work on some of the many things I would like to know how to do every day, so I'm not just all talk!

How about you, blog reader? I'm dying to know what you would like to know how to do!

1 comment:

  1. Wanna play piano - practice. Wanna speak five languages - practice. Wanna have good grammar - use question marks. More precisely, do the thing and you you will become it. Even a pilot, if only for a moment, and then you will be a former pilot.
